- Orders may be faxed, phoned in, e-mailed or even written in an old-fashioned letter.
- To insure that you get what you order, always use our product number for every item on your order.
- Orders from new customers must be prepaid by check to Odyssey Lamp Systems, Inc. Once credit has been established, C.O.D. or Net 30 terms are available. We do not accept credit cards.
- California residents are subject to an 8.25% California sales tax, unless you have a valid resale permit on file with us.
- All prices include packing, but not shipping. Unless otherwise specified by the customer, we will normally ship UPS Ground and add actual shipping charges, including insurance for value, to the bill. Estimated shipping charges are available upon request.
- All merchandise returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
- Wholesale information is available upon request when accompanied by a valid resale number and business license.
Odyssey Lamp Systems, Inc.
8317 Secura Way
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Tel: (562) 696-9331
Fax: (562) 696-9392
Toll Free: (800) 403-1981 outside California